Drew Mandich
Former undergraduate intern
Drew Mandich worked in the Agroecology Lab over the summer of 2018. He majored in Environmental Science and Policy with a concentration in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology. He is from Frederick, Maryland, and my passion for the environment first grew when I took a field trip in high school to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Headquarters for my AP Environmental Science class. Since then, he has been active at UMD as an intern for Dr. Alexa Bely's research lab (working on a project that focuses on environmental sensitivity of annelids in the Potomac River Basin) and also a member of ENSPire. On campus, you might also see him working as a staff member of the Eppley Recreation Center, or pumping up the crowd at basketball games as a leader of the Turgeonites (student friend group that dresses up as coach Mark Turgeon for MD basketball games). Over the summer of 2018, he worked with Elizabeth de la Reguera to study the effects of saltwater intrusion and how it changes carbon storage on agricultural fields. In the future, he hopes to obtain a graduate degree focusing on marine sciences.