Sean Cochran
Sean Cochran
Undergraduate Summer Intern (2024)
Sean Cochran is a National Science Foundation Research for Undergraduates student in the Agroecology Lab over the summer of 2024. He is pursing his undergraduate degree at The College of William and Mary, where he studies Environmental Science and Geology. He has been conducting research under Dr. Joanmarie Del Vecchio on soil cohesion and geochemistry changes in the warming Alaskan permafrost. His interest in agroecology is heavily rooted in a long-term goal of contributing to natural ecosystem restoration, which starts with studying these changing ecosystems. His summer project studies carbon dioxide and methane emissions from soils along both a forested and agricultural transect to understand the effects of salinity and plants on greenhouse gas emissions. He is looking forward to developing lasting relationships with those in the Agroecology Lab, while gaining lab and field experience!