Congratulations to Helen and Alison, Masters of Agroecology!

I am so proud of Alison Schulenburg and Helen Boniface, both of whom successfully defended their masters theses in January. It is a huge accomplishment to make it through the gauntlet that is graduate school. Both Helen and Alison faced many challenges in the field and lab. They are both relentlessly hard workers dedicated to producing robust, repeatable data.

In addition to her meticulousness, Alison will forever be remembered for her ability to keep a white field shirt white even while sticking half way out of a soil pit. Helen (and I) do not have this magical ability.

Helen came to the lab as a raft guide. Her amazing positive attitude and perseverance kept her on task even when spectrometers and soils would not cooperate.

We are going to miss these wonderful young scientists!


Salted Earth


Agroecolabber, Yazan Hasan, receives Honorable Mention in EPA Environmental Justice Video Challenge